
HOCKEY Navigation Colts teams from under 9 to under 11 play 7-aside matches. Games are played on a reduced field size, this is a national policy designed to allow children to develop basic skills and knowledge of hockey, and the games are played without goalies. The seniors play full field hockey and in all the versions played, Hartmann House places a huge emphasis on safety. The school easily fields 4 senior teams and 5 colts’ teams; the boys get massive exposure playing in the country’s top festivals and tournaments. The first team participates in the Lusaka International School Invitational Tournament where they play eleven man and 7-aside matches.  


SOCCER Navigation The school has a very impressive record in soccer. There are 4 senior teams and 6 junior teams and there is a separate grade 3 group. The 1st, 2nd, Colts A and B teams participate in the CHISZ League. The other soccer teams play against different schools, as well as in an internal league. This scenario ensures that the boys get decent game time. The school ensures that all teams in all the age groups have coaches and enough training equipment to use. All the practices have structure and are meaningful. The First team regularly goes on tours to Pretoria in South Africa.


RUGBY Navigation Hartmann House has a long track record of excellence at Rugby, both in competition and administration. The teams in all age groups compete regularly with the best junior rugby playing schools in the country. The juniors play in a 10- Aside version, while the seniors play 15-Aside. The school’s main emphasis is on safety, skills development and mass participation. There is a clear vision of making sure that the boys are equipped with the correct skill sets in order for them to compete competently, this is designed to improve the quality of our player base. The first Team undertakes regular annual tours, mostly to Durban South Africa. In addition, boys also have an opportunity to play Tag Rugby, which is a non-contact variation of the game.

CHISZ Charter For Sport

CHISZ CHARTER FOR SPORT Navigation CHISZ CHARTER FOR SPORT CHISZ Heads wish to declare the following CHARTER FOR SPORT. Sport, and the competitive nature of it, plays a huge and important role and part in our schools. It provides numerous educational opportunities (regarding values and skills) while it also presents many professional opportunities (at all levels) for our pupils. As we are committed to teaching and embracing fairness, justice and development in all areas of society and of our school community, so we are committed to the same in the world of school sport. We are equally committed to a balance between academic, sporting and cultural activities. Sport will be played at school to develop the potential and fitness of each child, to promote friendships with pupils from all walks of life, to bring enjoyment, to provide career opportunities, to prepare pupils for the competitive world, to teach valuable lessons on values. School sport is about all pupils doing their best, not simply about being the best. School Sport is an integral part of school life, so all sporting events (practices, matches) must be seen as a school activity (not as entertainment for the public) – an area through which pupils learn. Pupils must be enabled to learn Skills, Values and Significance. They need to learn to accept decisions, defeats and disappointments. The fundamental principles that we wish to uphold at all sporting events are Respect (for the rights, dignity and worth of other players, officials, coaches, and spectators), Integrity (not cheating or winning at all costs), Honesty, Dignity (in victory and defeat) and Safety. Healthy competition is useful and necessary. It enables players to improve their own performance, to measure their progress, to develop determination, to stimulate innovation, creativity, leadership and entrepreneurial skills. However it must not lead to arrogance. Team sports also teach valuable lessons on co-operation and teamwork. Unhealthy competitiveness can be defined as allowing anything that undermines the dignity of any other player, official, spectator or school or that undermines the values of the school or sport. This would include cheating (over-age; umpiring/refereeing decisions; drugs); taunting or mocking of opposition (by players or crowd); over-celebrating; over-coaching (during matches and through extra practices); ‘War cries’ which are provocative, inciting, humiliating; questioning decisions of the referee/umpire; poaching of players. In that regard therefore, Heads and Staff, Players and Coaches, Parents and Spectators commit themselves to do the following: Respect the rights, dignity and worth of other players, officials, coaches, and spectators. Enjoy the game but remember, the game is for the child, not for others. Enjoy the game by respecting the allocated coach. If you are a qualified coach, feel free to offer your services – if not, please encourage. The coach selects the team, without interference. Enjoy the game by respecting the officials running the matches. If you are a qualified referee/umpire, feel free to offer your services – if not, please encourage or become qualified. Enjoy the game but not at the expense of others – please sit (or stand) in one place. Others have come to enjoy the game, not to see or hear you. Swearing or abusive language is unacceptable Betting on school matches is unacceptable Conduct yourself in a manner that takes all reasonable measures to protect your own safety and the safety of others. Accept success and failure, victory and defeat, with equal dignity, humility and grace. It is only a game. Promote the reputation of the sport and take all possible steps to prevent it from being brought into disrepute. SUPPORT WHY DO WE SUPPORT TEAMS? To encourage the team to play harder, to the end To give the team confidence To equip the team to play better To recognise and appreciate good play and attitude DOs Watch the whole match Follow the play Praise and applaud good play Respect opposition Respect officials Sing (appropriate/relevant) Applaud when an injured player recovers Applaud effort as well as skill Support the team more than individuals The support should be spontaneous and natural. The songs should be to motivate and encourage the players. To be a supporter one does not HAVE to sing or shout. Some people can enjoy the match and support without having to shout/sing/scream. DON’Ts Over-celebrate when win/score Over-react when lose/let in goal Mock opposition or own team Taunt or laugh at opposition or own team ‘Boo’ opposition play Make noise when penalties are being taken Question umpire/referee Shout at umpire/referee Move along the touchline Stand in the way of others who are seated Sing irrelevant songs Spectators should never go onto the field of play, before, during (including half-time) or after a match and certainly not when a goal/try etc. is scored.


SPORTS Director of Sport Mr Edmund Njazi Director of Sport Mr Edmund Njazi Our thrust as the sports department is to continue having a school where boys have access to a robust, well-structured highly organised physical education and sports programme, which will promote soci… Read More Table Tennis Table Tennis Table Tennis is played in the Hartmann House Old Hall popularly known as the ‘Tank’. The facility allows students to train on four tables simultaneously. The sport is offered to all age groups all… Read More Athletics Athletics Hartmann House competes in the First Division of the EPSA Athletics League, our coaches and boys work very hard for the school to stay in this tough division. Despite the number of boys in the schools… Read More CHISZ Charter For Sport CHISZ Charter For Sport CHISZ CHARTER FOR SPORT CHISZ Heads wish to declare the following CHARTER FOR SPORT. Sport, and the competitive nature of it, plays a huge and important role and part in our schools. It provides… Read More Sports Results Sports Results General subjects include Mathematics, English, Environmental Science, Education for Life, Home Economics, Religious and Moral Education, and Social Studies. The Cambridge Primary Syllabus for Maths, E… Read More Cricket Cricket The school has the ability to field 1st XI, 2nd XI, 3rd XI, 4th XI, Colts A, Colts B, Colts C, Colts D and as of 2018, Grade 3 teams. Cricket is played in Term 1 and Term 3. Boys and coaches are commi… Read More Rugby Rugby Hartmann House has a long track record of excellence at Rugby, both in competition and administration. The teams in all age groups compete regularly with the best junior rugby playing schools in the c… Read More Cross Country Cross Country Cross Country is only run in the first part of the First Term. It is compulsory for Grade 3 through to Grade 7. Training takes place four times a week culminating in the Inter-House Cross Country. S… Read More Swimming Swimming Hartmann House views swimming as a critical life skill. Swimming lessons are conducted in Term 1 and Term 3. In the swimming terms classes have a 45 minute morning swimming lesson per week. This compr… Read More Soccer Soccer The school has a very impressive record in soccer. There are 4 senior teams and 6 junior teams and there is a separate grade 3 group. The 1st, 2nd, Colts A and B teams participate in the CHISZ League…. Read More Tennis Tennis Hartmann House plays at the highest level in the EPSA First and Second leagues, fielding two senior teams. We are very fortunate to have excellent tennis facilities, which boasts of four outdoor court… Read More Hockey Hockey Colts teams from under 9 to under 11 play 7-aside matches. Games are played on a reduced field size, this is a national policy designed to allow children to develop basic skills and knowledge of hocke… Read More