OG Alumni
OG ALUMNI Navigation Our Mission Welcome & Introduction Welcome to the Alumni Section of St George’s College, where our past pupils – Old Georgians, or OGs – can find friends, re-establish ties with the College and keep updated with news and events. This is where YOU as a past pupil of St George’s (or Hartmann House), can register with our Alumni Office, and keep in contact with your Old Boys’ society. OGs who’re in touch with one another often like to support the School either by attending OG or School events, sending their sons (or grandsons, or nephews) here, or for leaving donations to their alma mater. The Alumni Office is responsible for the worldwide database of OGs, for organising networking and social events, co-ordinating (10, 20, 30, 40 or even 50-year) reunions, communicating with OGs, fundraising and publishing news about the College and its past pupils and their achievements. The Office is based at the College, and is run by Alumni Officer, Suzanne Robinson. Her role is to act as a conduit between the College and its OGs so if you have any queries or questions relating to anything Alumni, she’s your first port of call on alumni@stgeorges.co.zw Ex Fide Fiducia TrustThe Ex Fide Fiducia Trust is a Trust based in the United Kingdom and was set up in 2015, which will soon have charitable status. It was established to allow OGs throughout the world to give back to St George’s – that institution which gave so much, to so many, and continues to do so today. As Men For and With Others, OGs can show their support of their alma mater by leaving legacies or making regular donations. Such vital financial support will ensure that the College goes from strength to strength, and maintains the calibre of men leaving one of the world’s finest educational institutions. The Ex Fide Fiducia Trust is the body through which OGs can present a meaningful, united front through the donations of assets / money, whether from individual or as class groups, for the betterment of pupils at the College. Everybody can make a difference. Imagine if 5000 OGs donated just US$10 a month to the Trust – the equivalent of 5 beers or 3 bottles of milk in Zimbabwe. That would generate more than half a million dollars. It’s true that every dollar counts. If you’re feeling inspired, contact Suzanne Robinson on alumni@stgeorges.co.zw for more information.